Monday, October 15, 2007

Ch. 9 - Ch. 11

While I was reading ch. 10, I was laughing to myself. Bill was so full of himself. He was complimenting his face by saying how his face was honest looking and that any woman would feel safe with it. Later on, he said that all women should see his face. He also said that his face should be on every screen in the country and that every woman had to be given a copy of his "honest" face. What surprised me was him saying that mothers should tell their daughters about the "honest" face. He sounded abit obsessed with women from how proud he was with his face and how all the women should know about it. On the second thought, maybe he is obsessed with his face.

On ch. 11, there were things about wine. I knew that there was a specific way of pouring wine into a glass. I also know that some people do some "ritual" things before drinking like sniffing, twirling, and etc. but I never thought that there was a "proper" way of drinking from a wine-bag. I was shocked at the end of the chapter when the inn keeper was described. The inn keeper was described as a fat woman. In my point of view, calling someone "Fat" is insulting and just plain rude. If boys read this, they may think that it is okay to call people fat and if they were to say that to a girl, that girl would be hurt emotionally and would starve herself to get skinny. I wouldn't want my child to starve herself just because someone called her fat because that person thought that it was okay to call/describe people by it.

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