Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ch. 17 - Ch. 19

Cohn asks Jake where Brett is and when Jake told where Brett was, which was with Romeo, Cohn got angry and hit Jake, knocking him out cold. Later on, Cohn lying in his bed crying and begging Jake to forgive him and how Jake was his only friend. I think friends shouldn't hit each other because of a girl. Also, a man shouldn't be crying and asking for forgiveness after fist fighting and say how he was an only friend he had. Man should have a gut but not be cocky and a coward. Cohn finds Brett and Romeo together and Cohn beats up Romeo but Romeo keeps on standing up and later, he hits Cohn in the face as hard as he could and collapse. I think I understand how Cohn might feel. Sure, everyone who is in love with someone who is in love with someone else always say that they are happy as long as the other person is happy. I mean who would be satisfied with that? Everyone would want to beat up the other person for stealing their lover and who wouldn't? But the other thing is that I think people should know when to give up and let the other person be. If you had your chance and didn't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. But if you give up too soon, it wouldn't be fun.

A man was killed during the bull release. It was interesting how everyone seem to ignore his body and run over and round the body to reach a stadium. How could people ignore the body. sure I wouldn't be affected by the body too but I would want the body off the street so that it wouldn't reek of rotting body with flies everywhere.

The ending was abit weird to me. Brett leave with Romeo and then she sends a telegram to Jake to come and get her and then when Jake gets to her, she kisses him. Brett forced Romeo to leave her so that she doesn't ruin his life and then Jake and Brett have lots of wine and Jake is drunk. Then they head back with a taxi. Brett said to Jake how they could have had such a damned good time together and Jake replies by saying, "Isn't it pretty to think so?" I don't really get the ending but overall, it was a good book.

Ch. 15 - Ch. 16

In chapter 15, it was the beginning of the fiesta. Seven days of nonstop drinking, dancing, and music. Think about it. If a person was able to access unlimited amount of drinks for seven days straight, hoe much would that be. It would be a fortune to pay all those consumed alcohols. The next day is when the bulls are released. How dangerous is that? People run along with the bulls to the bullring. What if you fall and get stamped by the stampede of bulls? You would be dead in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't want my children to think that this would be fun and run with the bulls. They are going to get themselves killed and the book would be at fault because it does not say anything about how dangerous running beside the bull is. What about the shops that are near the bullring and is where the bulls are running. What happens when the bulls stampedes over the store? And a bullfight is like an animal cruelty. I've seen on television how the horses were fighting till death. They kick with their legs and bite each other. they do that because they were raised to fight and when it wins, it gets its food. This is something that I don't want kids to know about because this is just immoral.

In chapter 16, Jake was rejected by Brett. She asked if he still loved her and when he said yes, she told him that she was in love with Romeo. This might discourage a few people from confessing to another person because the person might reject you in a very harsh way. Then, Brett said that she felt like a bitch. I just thought that it was an inappropriate word to use. Also, after I get rejected like that, I wouldn't even be able to confess because of the fear for the same thing to happen. Then Jake decides to help Brett find Romeo. Romeo was saying how bulls were his best friend and he has to kill his best friend so that they don't kill him. Best friends don't kill each other.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ch.12 - Ch. 14

Bill said that Jake was an expatriate. Bill then teased Jake that expatriates are drunks who are obsessed with sex and who write nothing worth publishing. I don't get how expatriate could be drunks who are obsessed with sex. While they were joking, they started to say things about Jake's accident and how other other men suffered from the consequence like Jake's on horseback and another one on the bicycle. I don't want my son(s) to read this and be afraid to ride horses and bicycle because they don't want to suffer like Jake did. Seriously... What are the chances of that happening? I'm sure that if the boys don't ride horses and bicycles recklessly and violently, they wouldn't have any problem fearing what might happen.

Bill and Jake went to an inn in Burguete for five days. They fished, ate, drank, and played cards the whole time. I don't want my children to be wasting time. Sure, my mom complains about me wasting time but I don't want my children to be lazy like me and sit infront of the computer to play and have fast food beside them. I do that but not for five days. I don't want my children to think that they can do nothing but play for five days and get away without me scolding them. I don't want them to look at life and future as if it's nothing because I did that and I regret that I wasn't so serious about my studies. I'm still not that serious about my studies but it has become a habit and I cannot sit in one place studying for more than half an hour. If I get to play on the computer, I can stay in one place for the whole day. I just don't my kids to be carefree when they are teenagers because they will regret it sooner or later.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ch. 9 - Ch. 11

While I was reading ch. 10, I was laughing to myself. Bill was so full of himself. He was complimenting his face by saying how his face was honest looking and that any woman would feel safe with it. Later on, he said that all women should see his face. He also said that his face should be on every screen in the country and that every woman had to be given a copy of his "honest" face. What surprised me was him saying that mothers should tell their daughters about the "honest" face. He sounded abit obsessed with women from how proud he was with his face and how all the women should know about it. On the second thought, maybe he is obsessed with his face.

On ch. 11, there were things about wine. I knew that there was a specific way of pouring wine into a glass. I also know that some people do some "ritual" things before drinking like sniffing, twirling, and etc. but I never thought that there was a "proper" way of drinking from a wine-bag. I was shocked at the end of the chapter when the inn keeper was described. The inn keeper was described as a fat woman. In my point of view, calling someone "Fat" is insulting and just plain rude. If boys read this, they may think that it is okay to call people fat and if they were to say that to a girl, that girl would be hurt emotionally and would starve herself to get skinny. I wouldn't want my child to starve herself just because someone called her fat because that person thought that it was okay to call/describe people by it.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ch. 7 - Ch. 8

In chapter 7, Jake asks Brett if they could live together. Brett refuses by telling him that she would make him unhappy by cheating on him later on. I thought it was thoughtful of Brett for saying that she cannot live with him even though they love each other. What bothered me was that even though Brett is sacrificing herself by not being with Jake, he still forces himself on her. By the end of the chapter, Jake kissed her. I don't get why he keeps trying. Sure, I understand that they love each other but because of his actions towards her, he is making things hard on Brett and himself. They both know that they cannot be together and because of Jake they still suffer. From what I've read so far on Brett, her characteristic is what is wrong. She frequently has sexual affairs. She goes to one man to another every time.

In chapter 8, the book stated the word "nigger." So in my point of view, I think lots of dark-skinned people may not liked the use of the "n-word."

Another thing is that there is a lot of smoking. In chapter 7, Brett was smoking in Jake's house letting the ash fall on the rug. She did eventually asked for an ash try but for someone who is smoking might just not mind smoking in the house. Because of this, everyone in the house would be exposed to second-hand smoking which is worse then smoking themselves. Jake and Count also smoked cigar. In my point of view, some people might want to find out which is better and start smoking cigar and cigarettes. I, myself, don't know which is worse but I know for sure that both of them are bad for your health. The characters smoking in the book may tempt people to try.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ch. 5 - Ch. 6

In chapter 5, Jake tells Cohn to tell his girlfriend, Frances, to "go to hell" when Cohn told Jake that he can't go since Frances doesn't want to go. I don't think Jake should have said Cohn to tell Frances to "go to hell" because it was her chose to not go. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that you should tell that person to "go to hell". I don't want my kids to read this book and think that they should tell someone to "go to hell" when they get in the way from achieving something.

Another thing I don't want my kids to read is about Cohn not marrying Frances because he just wanted a mistress. I don't want my sons to think that every male has mistress and the only way to do it is to be in a relationship that comes close to getting married and break up later saying that they don't want to get married now and that they haven't lived their lives to the fullest. I also don't want my daughters to go through that. I want them to get married to their lover and not get divorced. I don't want them to get divorced and find other guy that they love and break up again right before the wedding. This would crush them. They might just give up and not find their lover again. Also, I don't believe in mistresses. I think that there should be no mistress in the world because this only affects females and I wouldn't want to go through something as horrible as this.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ch. 3 - Ch. 4

While I was reading this, I was very disturbed by some of the things. I was disturbed about the prostitute named Georgette because of her and Jake's little "make out" section. I was also disturbed about how he got hurt during the war. I serious think that girls shouldn't read these kind of disturbing things when they are young. I wouldn't want my younger sister (if I had one), to read this book when I was reading it and read these "disturbing" stuffs.

I was shocked when I read the part where Brett refused to have a romantic relationship with Jake when she found out that he couldn't have sex. This sounded like girls only get into a relationship just so that they can h ave sex. I think that even though the male cannot have sex, if who people love each other, I don't think it matters.

I laughed when I read the part where a colonel told Jake after he had received the wound say that he had given more than his life. Nothing is more important or precious than a life. I guess if I was a guy, if my family heirloom was wounded, I would be sufferring but I wouldn't think that I've lost my life. Life itself is very important to everyone and nothing could be more important than their lives.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ch.1 - Ch.2

I wouldn't want my kids to read The Sun Also Rises because I don't want them to think that guys/males should have lots of money to get a family. The character, Robert Cohn, loses his wife and three children because he didn't have any money left and when he used most of his fifty-thousand-dollar inheritance from his father. This book also gives the wrong impression that the women would walk away if the men doesn't have money.Then later on the story, when he was doing well with his novel writing, he meets Frances Clyne. As she begins to age, she wants to make Cohn to marry her while she is still beautiful. I don't want my daughter to think that she has to get married when she's young because when she gets older, she wouldn't be able to get married. I want her to meet someone she likes and get married when they both are ready.

Also, I don't want my children to read how Cohn publishes his novel and suddenly several women act "nice" towards him. I don't want men to think that if they are successful, all the women would just swoon for them. It gives me the impression that the women just follow money and leave when the men don't have any money.

Even though all of those things are bad, I liked one of the quotes. "You can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another." I've realized that just by moving from one place to another doesn't make you into another person. You have to accept things and try to change them. It is useless to try to escape the problem. Everyone needs to face it and try to alter it somehow to live with it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Sun Also Rises